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Services & Pricing


No more worrying about getting anxious pets to the vetsMy home visit consultations are stress-free and relaxing experiences for both you and your pet.



Home Visit Consultation

Full health examination. Any medications will be additional cost.

**Discount available for second pet



Dog, Cat & Rabbit Vaccinations

Required annually, includes full health check, dental exam, dietary advice and anal gland expressing + nail trimming if needed.

** Discount available for second/multiple furries




Animal Health Certificates

Required for travel to Europe, this has replaced pet passports in the UK since Brexit.

** Discount available for second/multiple furries



Rabies Vaccinations

Includes full health check, dental exam, nail trimming and anal gland expressing if needed. **Discount available if doing at same time as other vaccinations




Senior wellness consultation

Recommended annually, there is so much we can do to help our older pets live happier and longer lives including managing arthritic pain and diagnosing medical conditions as early as possible

** Discount available for second/multiple furries



Puppy & kitten health exam

Physical examination including eye and ear exam, heart auscultation, joints check, training and dietary advice.




Second opinion consult

Able to offer my advice, help reach a diagnosis and make a plan for your pets chronic or complicated conditions



Chemical castration

For those boy doggies that need a bit of zen, can help with undesirable behaviours like inappropriate urination



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